Have you ever heard the saying “If you want something done right, you got to do it yourself.” How dumb is that?

I think a better saying is “INspect what you EXpect” because it puts in prospective the most important thing about delegating.

The most effect way to get something done right is to empower someone to do it for you. With that in mind, this week I want to share with you a Tool I adapted from Stephen Farley’s work, and that I have used for to help business owners make their teams more effective.

The picture above represents a framework that is deigned to help you empower your team and create a written plan that will bring effective results.

It is based on Setting the Outcome, Assigning Authoritative Action and Measuring Results.

We will start with the S.

The stand for Set the Outcome. This is where you sit down with the person you are delegating to and you set the intention of what you expect by writing it down together.

The formula is WHO will do WHAT on this DATE by doing the HOW without any UNDESIRED RESULTS.

So an example would be….

“Michael Smithereens will apply for the $100,000 grant by researching past winners and submitting the application based on likelihood of approval without plagiarizing or using incorrect information.”

Doing this will set the tone of accountability and when backed up by the other two steps will lead to powerful results.

The A stand for Assigning Authoritative Action

This is where you empower your team member by giving them the Authority over the task and holding them accountable to a time frame.

A person must know the nature of the authority they have to act with. A person may be asked to  just gather information or make joint decision with someone, or execute the project in its entirety.

Therefore there are 3 levels of leadership:


Level 1: Information

At this level, the team mate is only supposed to Gather information and report the findings to leadership. They are not to make any decisions or take any action with it.

Time frame to hold them accountable to is anywhere between 1 day or 1 week

Example: Week one at a sales job you have to memorize a script or process and demonstrate to leadership that you can make the sale by the end of the day.


Level 2: Collaboration

At this level, you want the person to Act but check with you or another associate before or after the action.

Time frame for discussion again can be  an 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months , depending on the size of project

Example:  At the sales job, for 3 days you are told to make 10 sales calls and review the results with a supervisor so that you can update or improve your sales script.


Level 3: Execution

This level of authority should be reserved for those who have the knowledge and experience necessary for independent action. This level says to an associate, “Take action and tell/show me the results after.”

Time frame is usually 4 weeks or 1 month to experience the final result.

Example:  The sale person is fully trained and you review the results at the end of every month.

By assigning your associate to one of these levels, you make it clear what your expectations are for those actions. This brings clarity and accountability to any project that is important.

The M stands for Measuring the Progress.

Measuring the progress is about setting up checkpoints which are the times during a project where you will set up a meeting to discuss the following: The Past, Present, and Future

How have the WHO, or the people assigned with tasks in the plan, made progress related to WHAT they were asked to do WHEN they were asked to do it?

What challenges are you currently facing?

How must the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, and HOW of the current plan change to fulfill the objective?

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